Jessica Morthope (right) from Uniting Earth, spoke at our church on Sunday (see the links below to her sermon in print and audio).
The following reflection by Dick and Jan M speaks volumes about Jessica's powerful message to the church and each of us individually.
'I left the service with some concern, for Jessica had tapped into my conscience on Climate Change and the Environment.
I have listened to the continuing commentary, argument and science of Climate Change and I agree with the fact that it is happening. But Jessica made me think and question “what have I done to support my belief, what action have I taken”. I put waste that can be recycled into the Yellow Top Bin but to my dismay I found out this week that as little as !0 percent of my plastic waste gets to be recycled.
Then I start to worry about the future environment my grandchildren will have to endure, what will it be like?
I have sat on the sideline and listened to the experts, but here last Sunday was a couple of young people, up close and personal, expressing their concerns for the future of God’s Planet and asking us for our support. Support for our children and grandchildren to enjoy the same fullness, beauty and benefits of God’s Creation.
It is decision time, it can not be put off any longer.'
Jessica challenged us to think of the deeper spiritual issue behind the environmental and climate change challenge. The church must address this spiritual, social and environmental crisis and must not be complicit in doing nothing about it at the local, community and political level. As a community, the Uniting Church is putting in place active measures to 'practice what it preaches'.
Jessica's sermon commences with:
We have built our houses on sand. We were promised that if we sought unlimited economic growth, it would end poverty. We were promised that if we gave up our rights and freedoms as laborers, it would create more and better paid jobs. We were promised we could become a new and better thing than citizens, members and people – we could become customers!
We were promised that all this would make us happy. That it would make the world a better place. That this was progress, and we shouldn’t stand in the way. And so the idols of economics and GDP and unlimited growth grew.
But these promises turned out to be lies, and their prophets false.
......To continue with the whole sermon in print.....
or audio