28 June 2020

28 Jun 2020 by Curated by Sue McK in: BLOG

 - The Adventurous Lectionary, by Bruce Epperly: An excellent piece to follow on from Heather’s thoughtful reflections on this week’s lectionary. How do we deal with these stories that challenge us spiritually, ethically, and relationally? (Right: The Lost Sheep)
 - Living By The Word, by Diane Roth: a short piece that ponders what it would be like if we were the refugees, the strangers, the dying that Jesus refers to in this week’s passage from Matthew.
 - The Conversation: this is the medium-length piece from last week about slavery in Australia, but the link was left out. Apologies!
 - From Louisiana to Queensland: How American Slave Owners started again in Queensland: a fascinating piece that follows up on last week’s, explaining an experiment that planned to reproduce southern cotton plantations in our northern state.

Insights Magazine: Try this 3min read by Rev Jane Fry entitled 'Courage to Look Forward', as she considers the future of the church under Covid, or this 2min one by Jonathan Foye about the Dish Cafe at St John's Uniting Church in Wahroonga.