Sydney Alliance

21 Apr 2021 by Shane S in: Parnerships and Links

The Sydney Alliance is a diverse coalition of community organisations, religious organisations, unions and schools that uses the tools of community organising to make the city a better place to live.

We work with our partner organisations to:

  • Increase and strengthen the leadership capacity of their members, their leaders, and staff.
  • Deepen the relationships across civil society by strengthening the relationships between our partner organisations.
  • Act for the ‘Common Good’.

(this is also the vision of the Uniting Church in Australia)

They coordinate a number of campaigns with representatives from participating organisations (Work, Power, Homes and Heart)


Engadine Uniting Church is involved in the following campaigns:

Voices for Power

  • Organising with Sydney's migrant communities on low-income access to Affordable and Renewable Power! 


Sutherland Shire Local Organising Campaigns

  • Organising with community and faith groups across the Shire on local issues. Affordable housing and the environment have been a primary focus to date 


Please contact Shane if you would like know more or get involved. 

Link to Sydney Alliance











On Wednesday March 17th 2021, leaders of Voices for Power, a campaign of the Sydney Alliance, met with NSW Minister for Energy and the Environment Matt Kean to present him with our roadmap of cleaner energy solutions. 


Voices for Power is a migrant centered, migrant led and migrant proud coalition of leaders from cultural communities, faith groups and community organisations elevating migrant voices in the renewable and affordable energy debate.


Through the power of community organising and relationship , we have built one of the most diverse local environmental action groups in the world. I am immensely proud of every one of these leaders on this momentous occasion! 


Matt Kean said "absolutely!" To working alongside us. 


The Uniting Church was well represented by members Emma (Leichhardt UC) Anna (Northmead UC ) and myself (Engadine UC) as well as seasoned organisers Rev. Allimoni and David Barrow. 


It was a privilege to represent our church and organise with this amazing community of leaders. Special thanks to lead organisers Thuy Nguyen and Bryan Tran for their hard work bringing the day together.