19 July 2020

19 Jul 2020 by Curated by Sue McK in: BLOG

 - “Let them grow together” Debie Thomas explores this week's parable of the wheat and the tares, saying, “One of the great gifts of Christianity is that it is steeped in paradox...If I live in a world that's chock full of contradiction, then I need a religion robust enough and complex enough to bear the weight of that messy world. I need a religion that empowers me, in Richard's Rohr's beautiful words, ‘to live in exquisite, terrible humility before reality.’" (7min read)
 - What about the poor? Old Testament Professor Sandy Richter examines harvest practices in ancient Israel and says, "part of our calling as the Redeemed is to manage God’s resources well so that they are preserved for us and for the voiceless". (3min read)
 - Listen to a sermon on the wheat and tares by Pastor Courtney Crump (12min). Like us, the servants are eager to go pull up all of the weeds. But the landowner does not want to harm the good wheat, so he tells them to leave the weeds alone. Is that what we are supposed to do with the evil in our world? Leave it alone? Really?