Prayers of the People

22 Mar 2020 by . in: Sunday Service Elements

Prayers of the People       

Be our vision, Lord of our minds! Enable us to see things as you see them:

To look upon both neighbours and enemies with compassion.
To recognise in the beggar, stranger, hungry and homeless the face of the Child of God.
To look in the mirror and see a much-loved disciple called by Christ to an abundant life.

Please, healing Christ, anoint our eyes with your salve, that we may see better than ever before and follow your way with anticipation and joy. In your name, and to your praise, we pray.


Almighty God,
You see this world in crisis.
You understand everything about it.
I am coming to you seeking your help.
Help us to leave our worries at the foot of your cross.
Give us new ways of looking at this situation.
Give us solutions we haven't thought of.
Give us insights into the changes that need to take place.
Show us how to get from where we are to where we need to be.
Help us to see this crisis from the view of a nation working together - not from the view of opposing people fighting each other.
Lord, you are an amazing God, and we need your amazing help.
I will draw closer to you, Lord, during this crisis.
I will draw closer to my neighbour and my family.
Give me wisdom and discernment.
Help me to make right choices.



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